'The sea' is a common theme in the works of Tsvetan Krastev. In the series of videos 'Game with the Sea' he enters into an impromptu visual dialogue with him.

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Week of Contemporary Art 2021. Tsvetan Krastev
Game with the Sea - video installation.


Carrying the center of gravity - video

The video is a documentation of a performance from 2004, in which Tsvetan Krastev transported a 14-kilogram stone on foot from the sea coast near Varna to Shumen (about 100 km). After two years, the author pulverized the stone and scattered it on the place where it was taken. This performance was realized for the first edition of the Biennale of Contemporary Art in Shumen.


Small Innovations - video

A series of videos "Small Innovations" are short parody video forms similar to television commercials, presenting fictional and absurd devices in their non-functionality.



Tsvetan Krastev was born in Varna. He graduated in 1981 from the Secondary Art School in Kazanlak. He works in the field of conceptual art, land art, painting, performance, installations, video art and others.

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